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We have selected collections available at the following stockists:


Regiment Coffee Stop - 179 Orakei Road, Orakei Auckland.

Jacks Coffee - 8 Maheke Street, St Heliers, Auckland.

Ceramics and Jewellery

The Fantail House - 237 Parnell Road, Parnell Village, Auckland.

I am Balanced - 403 Mt Eden Road, Mt Eden, Auckland

Candle and Tealight holders

The Coastal Cabin - Online Store -

Custom Orders

If you are interested in objects, jewellery or ceramics that are inspired by the land, you can contact us for pricing or custom orders. We are happy to make items that are specific to a location or for an occasion that is important to you.

Occasionally we may feature our work at markets, or have limited edition items available to purchase directly from us. Subscribe to our Newsletter to find out more about when these may occur through the year.